cover image: Addressing obesity in children and youth : Obésité chez les enfants et les jeunes : données probantes pour guider l'action en Ontario : rapport sommaire



Addressing obesity in children and youth : Obésité chez les enfants et les jeunes : données probantes pour guider l'action en Ontario : rapport sommaire

24 Sep 2013

Adopting both a socio- and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in ecological and a life-course perspective, PHO Children and Youth developed an integrated framework to describe the Research on the effectiveness of interventions to causal factors that contribute to childhood obesity,. [...] This as well as settings where measurement can take place, document was to present a synthesis of the evidence and explores how best to use existing data to gauge on the trends, causes and risk factors of obesity in progress on provincial commitments to address children and youth, the effectiveness of interventions childhood overweight and obesity. [...] Rates of overweight and and Obesity obesity in children and youth are defined by BMI relative to age and gender, using cut-offs established Nearly one-third of Canadian children and youth were by WHO. [...] Table 2.1 summarizes the influenced and modified by a complex web of risk strength of association between those causal risk and and protective factors that begin before birth and protective factors that are consistently associated with continue throughout the life course at the individual, overweight and obesity in children and youth.
health environment education school public health health promotion nutrition obesity breastfeeding diet physical activity foods medicine overweight child medical specialisation adolescent body mass index health treatment diseases and conditions obese physical exercise determinants of health preventive healthcare healthy eating obesity in children childhood obesity bmi-for-age pediatric obesity body fat percentage
9781460619445 9781460608128
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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