cover image: A pilot study to develop guidelines for reducing tree planter injuries /



A pilot study to develop guidelines for reducing tree planter injuries /

9 Mar 2006

"Tree planters in British Columbia suffer high rates of musculoskeletal injuries (MSI). Repetitive motion and overexertion claims accounted for 15% of the $5.2 million in claims costs incurred by silvicultural contractors and 22% of the days lost over a 5-year period. Exposure to factors such as repetitive movements, back stress, high physical workload, and inappropriate tool and equipment design create the risk of injury but few studies have been devoted to assessing the MSI risk factors for this occupation. The study reported on here was devised to analyze how planters use their bodies during planting and how they interact with their tools and equipment"--Executive summary.
health science and technology occupational exposure forestry mechanical engineering occupational diseases physics mechanical vibration electromyography injury forests and forestry statistical frequency flexion human factors and ergonomics anatomical terms of motion musculoskeletal disorder finger root mean square vibration accelerometer tree planters (persons) period wrist tree planting human factors muscle accelerometers


Kinney, Suzanne, Weber, Doug, Stjernberg, Ernst I, Morrison, James B

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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