cover image: Together we are... feathers of hope : Feathers of hope



Together we are... feathers of hope : Feathers of hope

11 Feb 2014

These young people had bonded and to- The Feathers of Hope forum is a demonstration that change gether they had become ‘feathers of hope.’ They were ready can happen and that in making change history and the to use the power of their voices and the sound of their feet legacies of oppression and injustice faced by First Nations to demonstrate to everyone in the room that they were peoples must be a [...] We want opportunities to learn how to 2. year over the five year period of the strategy and do b) The leadership for organizing these yearly forums A five year strategy must be created to focus on the fol- be positive healthy role models and mentors for the younger so in a real and observable way through the devel- should remain with the Office of the Provincial lowing themes raised by youth in fo [...] We believe strongly that the active participation of First a) Within 60 days of the release of the action plan, the f) The Office of the Provincial Advocate for Children Nations youth at every step of the process is necessary for Province of Ontario, the federal government, and and Youth, which we have found to be a neutral and its success. [...] The very core meaning of MENTAL HEALTH These words refer to the way learning and a lifetime of commitment to the people of the family and community was lost as generation after genera- we think, feel and act. [...] The action plan is anchored SPORTS AND RECREATION These are RESERVATION An area of land set aside by the in the perspectives of its authors and the lived experiences The magnitude of the work involved was not lost on the forms of activity that can have an important and positive government for the exclusive use of a First Nations com- of youth participants at the Feathers of Hope forum held in Ampl
adolescent indians, north american native youth indigenous youth indian youth
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario