cover image: An overview of federal instruments for the protection of the marine environment in Canada



An overview of federal instruments for the protection of the marine environment in Canada

29 May 2013

Marine conservation is an issue that is receiving increasing attention and interest, both internationally and in Canada. And nowhere is the need for conservation measures more evident than in the Arctic, where climate change is rapidly transforming the Arctic Ocean, bringing changes to ecosystems that are not yet fully known. At the same time, an increasingly ice-free ocean allows for enhanced access, and new developments and transportation routes-and therefore increased risk of impacts on an already stressed environment. Anticipating and managing these transformations, while conserving the resilience of Arctic ecosystems, will require significant new conservation measures, including spatially explicit zones where the potential negative impacts of development are carefully managed.
oceans agriculture environment climate change marine protected areas conservation biodiversity water cultural heritage natural resources canada resources biogeochemistry coastal zone management endangered species environmental monitoring marine pollution marine resources conservation precautionary approach imo ecosystem watershed management nature convention on biological diversity conservation biology ecological resilience critical habitat mpa benthic zone unclos canadian wildlife service conservation areas dfo
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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