cover image: Systemic adjuvant therapy for patients at high risk for recurrent melanoma / : EBS 8-1, version 4



Systemic adjuvant therapy for patients at high risk for recurrent melanoma / : EBS 8-1, version 4

11 Nov 2013

"Question: What systemic therapy should clinicians recommend to patients who have been rendered disease-free following the resection of cutaneous melanomas and who are at high risk for subsequent recurrence? Outcomes of interest include overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), adverse effects, and quality of life."--Updated guideline recommendations.
health research cancer medical research medicine vaccines health care evidence-based medicine therapy clinical trial chemotherapy, adjuvant chemotherapy clinical medicine melanoma systematic review randomized controlled trials healthcare policy placebo health treatment government health care controlled trials ci cancer staging adjuvant therapy stage iii evidence-based care melanomas malignant melanoma staging system ajcc staging system


Patrella, T, Verma, S, Quirt, Ian, Spithoff, Karen, McCready, David

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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