cover image: Risky business : Affaire risquée : enquête sur le traitement et la gestion des cas d'automutilation chronique parmi les délinquantes sous responsabilité fédérale : rapport final



Risky business : Affaire risquée : enquête sur le traitement et la gestion des cas d'automutilation chronique parmi les délinquantes sous responsabilité fédérale : rapport final

16 Sep 2013

Over the last five years the number of self-injury incidents in federal correctional facilities has more than tripled. In 2012-13, there were 901 incidents of recorded prison self-injury, involving 264 offenders. A relatively small number of federally sentenced women offenders (37 of 264 total) disproportionately accounted for almost 36% of all reported self-injury incidents. Aboriginal offenders were involved in more than 35% of all self-harming incidents. Aboriginal women accounted for nearly 45% of all self-injury incidents involving the federally sentenced women offender population. Of the 264 federal offenders who self-injured in 2012-13, seventeen individuals engaged in chronic (or repetitive) self-injurious behaviour (i.e., 10 or more incidents). These 17 individuals accounted for 40% of all recorded incidents. Nine were of Aboriginal descent. Nine were women (6 of whom were Aboriginal offenders).
health politics prison crime behavioural sciences criminal law informed consent law law enforcement medicine mental illness women prisoners health care behavior therapy mental disorder health treatment patient correctional service of canada punishment (criminal) administrative segregation self-injury mentally ill self-mutilation mentally disordered physical restraint penitentiary consensual self harm self injury
Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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