cover image: Interprovincial migration shifts in Canada / : Évolution de la migration interprovinciale au Canada



Interprovincial migration shifts in Canada / : Évolution de la migration interprovinciale au Canada

17 Jun 2013

Consistent with general perception, the destination of migrants is increasingly the greener economic pastures of Alberta and Saskatchewan – as these were the only two provinces to record net gains in 2012. [...] The net declines recorded in British Columbia and Manitoba likely reflect the relative strength of the Alberta and Saskatchewan econo- mies. [...] Indeed, Alberta, which accounts for 11% of the national population, managed to attract over 100,000 in-migrants (almost one-third of total migrants) from other provinces in 2012 – a higher reading than compared to the hey-day of the oil boom in 2005-06. [...] The unemployment rates in these provinces are compared to the rest of Canada during the recovery period. [...] The unemployment rate in B. C. had been rising the interprovincial blow in migration in Manitoba has been steadily relative to the rest of Canada – albeit from record the steady annual inflows of international immigrants over lows – since 2007, surpassing the national average in 2011.
migration government politics economics economy taxation recession canada economic growth employment immigration labour unemployment unemployment benefits tax employment insurance alberta human migration mobility unemployment rates low-income unemployed british columbia migration, internal


Bendiner, Jonathan

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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