cover image: The prediction of risk for mentally disordered offenders : Prédiction du risque de récidive chez les délinquants atteints de troubles mentaux : synthèse quantitative



The prediction of risk for mentally disordered offenders : Prédiction du risque de récidive chez les délinquants atteints de troubles mentaux : synthèse quantitative

22 May 2013

"The General Personality and Cognitive Social Learning (GPCSL) perspective of criminal behaviour (Andrews & Bonta, 1994, 2010) has had an important impact on the development of risk/need assessments for general offenders. GPCSL posits eight risk/need domains that are central to the prediction of criminal behaviour: Criminal History, Procriminal Companions, Procriminal Attitudes and Cognitions, Antisocial Personality Pattern, Education/Employment,Family/Marital, Substance Abuse, and Leisure/Recreation. Notably missing in GPCSL are mental health variables which are prominent in clinical models of MDOs. The present meta-analysis evaluated the relative predictive validities of the risk/need domains from GPCSL and variables taken from the clinical perspective. Our general conclusion is that the theoretically informed risk/need factors from GPCSL are more predictive of general and violent recidivism than the clinical factors (the one exception being antisocial personality/psychopathy)"--Page 1.
health education prison crime psychology mental health violence behavioural sciences law law enforcement medicine mentally ill persons prisoners schizophrenia meta-analysis substance abuse recidivism mental disorder teaching and learning health treatment mental and behavioural disorder psychosis clinical psychology inter-rater reliability effect size neuroscience personality disorder antisocial personality disorder mentally ill prisoners antisocial criminal behavior, prediction of mentally disordered psychopathy


Bonta, James L, Blais, Julie, Wilson, Holly A

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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