cover image: Evaluation report - community correctional operations : Rapport d'évaluation des services correctionnels communautaires



Evaluation report - community correctional operations : Rapport d'évaluation des services correctionnels communautaires

26 Apr 2013

The evaluation team sincerely appreciates the collaboration and assistance offered by the Executive Steering Committee, the Consultative group and representatives from the Community Reintegration Branch, the Offender Reintegration Program Division, the Learning and Development Branch and Finance throughout the evaluation process. [...] The evaluation team also wishes to extend their appreciation to Duyen Luong for her contributions, including the development of the Terms of Reference in the initial stages of the evaluation, as well as, her leadership and dedication throughout the completion of Community Corrections Chapter 1: Correctional Interventions. [...] Theme 3: Supervision of Offenders in the Community: The evaluation demonstrated that the tools and strategies used by CSC to manage and supervise offenders in the community are in accordance with offender risk and need profiles and are associated with a number of positive correctional outcomes. [...] With a significant offender population in the community and changing offender need profiles, the supervision of offenders and the safety of staff have become exceedingly important to CSC’s ability to fulfill this mandate. [...] The activities of community supervision include: assisting and supporting offender reintegration through the provision of accommodation options; the application of tools and strategies used to monitor offenders in the community; taking into account offender risk and need levels; and using community resources and collateral contacts to monitor progress in the community.
health government education politics prison crime safety evaluation analysis of variance community-based corrections copyright corrections criminal law demography law law enforcement parole staff identity document community supervision focus group recidivism mental disorder educational assessment crime, law and justice punishment (criminal) parole officer recidivism rates parole officers


Delveaux, Kendra, Heath, Sarah, Flight, Jillian I

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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