cover image: Literature review for the strategy for the prevention of family violence and bullying /



Literature review for the strategy for the prevention of family violence and bullying /


Remedial responses to bullying and all forms of family violence are difficult in that decisions have to be made about when to act based on the type of abuse, the frequency of this violence, and the severity of the behavior. [...] Recommendation 9: Review of policy coverage for older adults and families with children to ascertain if these policies and programs adequately meet the social and health care needs of older adults, including the costs of medications and home health care and respite services and whether adequate plans are in place to ensure that older adults can enjoy long and healthy lives. [...] Differences between each of these types of family violence are not related to the definitions or the measures used to capture these experiences, but on the ages of the victims and the type of relationship between the victim and the perpetrator. [...] The focus of these definitions is not on individual acts of violence that define the experience of abuse, but on the use of power and control exercised through the use of these individual acts. [...] Parent Risk Factors for Physical Abuse A list of significant risk factors have been identified through these studies, including the parent’s ability to empathize and take the perspective of the child, parental frustration tolerance, attachment to the child, and parental locus of control (Hein, Cohen, Caldeira, Flom, and Wasserman, 2010; Jakupcević and Ajduković 2011; McElroy and Rodriguez, 2008; R
health education politics school domestic violence crime violence discrimination adolescence aggression behavioural sciences caregivers child abuse family violence law medicine intimate partner violence depression older people bullying attachment theory abuse health treatment assault child neglect caregiver victimization maltreatment abnormal psychology child maltreatment


Hughes, Judy

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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