cover image: Stem cell transplantation in myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia /



Stem cell transplantation in myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia /

16 Apr 2012

MDS and AML are both cancers affecting hematopoietic stem cells in one or more cell lines, eventually leading to bone marrow failure if left untreated. The goal of this Recommendations Report is to review the most current evidence comparing treatment modalities that include an SCT component, and to make a series of clinical recommendations to inform clinicians, patients, and other stakeholders of the treatment options available.
health research biology cancer medical research medicine physiology health care leukemia, myeloid, acute leukemia meta-analysis evidence-based medicine therapy hematopoietic stem cells myelodysplastic syndromes clinical medicine systematic review healthcare policy health treatment health sciences aml hematopoietic stem cell transplantation bone marrow acute myeloid leukemia cohort study stem cell transplantation mds allogeneic stem cell transplantation myelodysplastic syndrome


Kouroukis, T, Schuh, A, Rumble, R. B, Walker, I, Bredeson, Christopher

Published in
Ottawa, Ontario

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