cover image: Comparing Canadian new urbanist and conventional suburban neighbourhoods : Comparaison de quartiers canadiens reflétant les principes du nouvel urbanisme avec des banlieues traditionnelles



Comparing Canadian new urbanist and conventional suburban neighbourhoods : Comparaison de quartiers canadiens reflétant les principes du nouvel urbanisme avec des banlieues traditionnelles

8 Feb 2013

In our study neighbourhoods, we observed almost double the number of stores and services, as well as educational and Street recreation/entertainment establishments, within 1 km of the Laneways neighbourhood centroid in the NUDs than in the CSDs. [...] As one would expect from the difference in household size table 2. between the two types of neighbourhoods, the housing units of responding households in the CSDs were larger in size Household survey findings than those found in the NUDs. [...] For instance, 80 per cent The findings presented in this section were obtained from of the housing units in the NUDs had three bedrooms or less, the over 2,000 households who completed the survey compared with 45 per cent in the CSDs. [...] In both the NUDs in the neighbourhood as the number one factor in choosing and CSDs, 96 per cent of responding households owned the neighbourhood. [...] The quality of their own dwelling unit was cited by 22 per cent of respondents from The survey revealed that, in comparison with their CSD the CSDs as the primary reason to locate in that particular counterparts, nearly double (60 per cent, versus 34 per neighbourhood, compared to only 13 per cent of cent) the respondents in the NUDs reported being very respondents from the NUDs.
environment science and technology psychology research geography mathematics regression analysis social sciences statistics suburbs banlieues transport city planning urbanisme economic sector statistical analysis urban sprawl survey methodology cycling suburb regression model r-square coefficient of determination error significance statistical significance new urbanist new urbanism suburban developments travel behavior charter of the new urbanism
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