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Evidence review : Reproductive health

10 Jul 2009

The goals of reproductive public health are to ensure that the mother and her fetus enter labour in good health and to minimize complications during pregnancy and delivery. [...] Grading of the evidence in this review follows the categories shown in Table 1. The reference list at the end of the review includes the coding for the type of study and the grading of the evidence. [...] Page 2 Core Public Health Functions for BC: Evidence Review Reproductive Health Table 2: Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada Grading System Criteria for Quality of Evidence Assessment and Classification of Recommendations Level of Evidence Classification of Recommendations I: Evidence obtained from at least one properly A. There is good evidence to support the designed randomized [...] In addition, this review identified other outcomes of importance in reproductive health and these are included in the third column of Table 3. Incidence and prevalence of risk factors for poor reproductive outcomes have also been identified in epidemiological studies and are included in the fourth column of Table 3. No public health interventions were found for four outcomes in Table 3: post-term [...] The relative importance of all interventions needs to be assessed in the context of the size of the “problem,” current trends and costs and benefits of interventions.
health public health epidemiology pregnancy birth control demography maternal health services public health administration reproductive health health care evidence-based medicine public health practice


Kelly, Ann

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