cover image: Professional autonomy : Autonomie professionnelle : discrétion et responsabilité en éducation publique de la maternelle à la 12e année



Professional autonomy : Autonomie professionnelle : discrétion et responsabilité en éducation publique de la maternelle à la 12e année

20 Jun 2011

And finally, it looks at the responsibilities inherent in any discussion of autonomy and discretion — responsibilities to the profession, the employer, the public, and students. [...] Most of the current threats to teachers’ professional autonomy are not direct attacks on the ability of teachers to make decisions about the work they do, but rather erosions of the work environment that effectively limit and discourage the exercise of those decisions.7 As summarized from content on the BCTF website, these threats include: 1. The School Act and Regulations, Ministry Orders and Min [...] For example, in December 2008, teachers were asked to vote on the BCTF Annual General Meeting (AGM) decision that teachers ―exercise their professional autonomy and not prepare for, administer, or mark the provincial FSA.‖8 The leadership report of the 2009 BCTF AGM identified the following as one of the BCTF priorities for 2009-2010: To enhance the professional lives and ensure the professional r [...] The union argued that the employer (principal) had no authority to ask the teacher to administer the assessment and that the board of education did not have just and reasonable cause to discipline Sihota. [...] It relied on the professional autonomy clause in the collective agreement, which provided for "individual professional autonomy" exercised "within the bounds of the prescribed curriculum and consistent with recognized effective educational practice." In his decision, Arbitrator Dorsey held that the employer had the right, through the principal, to direct the teacher to administer the DART assessme
government education politics school curriculum academic freedom assessments civil law employment justice law lawyers professions autonomy students enseignants teachers teaching assessment further education teaching and learning profession educational assessment autonomie judgement
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