cover image: Indigenous language instructors' certificate- Elders circles : How indigenous knowledge informs and directs the development of an instructors' certificate in indigenous languages



Indigenous language instructors' certificate- Elders circles : How indigenous knowledge informs and directs the development of an instructors' certificate in indigenous languages

16 Mar 2010

As we lament the collapse of biological diversity, we pay to little heed to a parallel process of loss, the demise of cultural diversity, the erosion of what might be termed the ethnosphere, the full complexity and complement of human potential as brought into being by culture and adaptation since the dawn of consciousness. [...] This report will focus first on a review of the relevant literature to establish some of the context for this work before sharing the findings, themes and recommendations that have arisen and been brought forward in the Elders Circles over the course of the project. [...] The researchers assisted in the opening of the meetings according to the traditions and protocols of the hosting community or Nation (i.e. [...] The role of the facilitators was to set the stage and context for the meeting and seek clarification when necessary, but, for the most part, once they began, the Elders guided the conversation and directed the flow of information. [...] Individuals brought forward their opinions and viewpoints on the subject and it is the responsibility of the listener, or reader, to incorporate this information and wisdom as they see fit and as such, it is therefore the role of the facilitators of this project to attempt to transmit that wisdom as accurately as possible.
higher education education politics school curriculum canada indians of north america culture indigenous peoples teachers vocabulary university assessment cognition community college further education endangered teaching and learning expert facilitator cognitive science acquisition expertise facilitators active learning endangered language language endangerment


Steinhauer, Diana

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