cover image: National follow-up to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regional implementation strategy for the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) : Suivi national de la Stratégie régionale d'éxecution de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe pour le Plan d'action international de Madrid sur le vieillissement



National follow-up to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regional implementation strategy for the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) : Suivi national de la Stratégie régionale d'éxecution de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe pour le Plan d'action international de Madrid sur le vieillissement

5 Sep 2012

Canada welcomes the opportunity to provide its second report to the United Nations (UN) on the progress made in implementing the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. Like other countries, Canada faces significant ageing of its population in the coming decades that will have profound and wide-ranging impacts on society, including on the labour market and productivity, demand for and delivery of services,and changing infrastructure needs. Canada continues to strengthen efforts to respond to the evolving needs of seniors and address the larger issues of an ageing society.
health government education school mental health canada accessibility adult education ageing caregivers employment labour retirement unemployment tax health care pension population aging older people community elder abuse affordable housing provinces further education teaching and learning canada mortgage and housing corporation aboriginal caregiver canada pension plan defined benefit pension plan
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