cover image: Capturing economic rents from resources through royalties and taxes



Capturing economic rents from resources through royalties and taxes

28 Sep 2012

Oil price fluctuations, concerns over the division of resource revenues, and unconventional oil and gas developments are forcing governments to confront the same issue: how to design optimal royalty and corporate tax systems that bring in a publicly acceptable share of revenueswithout discouraging private investment. This paper surveys tax and royalty systems across six countries, as well as four US states and five Canadian provinces, offering concise analyses of their strengths and shortcomings to describe the best and simplest approaches to both.
government politics economics economy taxation petroleum investment resources business depreciation government policy investments oil and gas leases prices tax cost of capital discounting government budget taxes corporate income tax corporate tax business finance loan market present value capital (economics) petroleum industry and trade levies barrel (unit) economic rent return ad valorem tax


Mintz, Jack

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