cover image: Overdue : Case for increasing the Persons with Disabilities Benefit in BC



Overdue : Case for increasing the Persons with Disabilities Benefit in BC

25 Jul 2012

This was true of 24% for PWD recipients, but it would also of the sheltered homeless and 15% of help to bring the benefit in line with the the unsheltered homeless.8 federal government’s established mini- Housing Affordability and the Risk mum for low income seniors. [...] In addi- perceptions regarding the adequacy of tion, 90% of those surveyed indicated the level of assistance available to PWD that they would support an increase in recipients and the extent to which they the assistance provided to people with believed that the assistance available disabilities. [...] The Case for INCreasINg The PersoNs WITh DIsaBIlITIes BeNefIT IN BC •. DIsaBIlITy WIThouT PoverTy NeTWork 10 also proposed indexing as a way to re- an income of $1,200 per month (the duce the growing gap between the cost guaranteed minimum income under of living and the PWD benefit. [...] PWD benefit would play a significant We also know that the majority of role in helping close the gap and im- people receiving the PWD benefit are proving the quality of life for people living in housing in the private market. [...] The Case for INCreasINg The PersoNs WITh DIsaBIlITIes BeNefIT IN BC •. DIsaBIlITy WIThouT PoverTy NeTWork 13 Appendix B The Earnings Exemption In June 2012, the Province announced changes to the earnings exemption for PWD recipients.
health government politics economics economy poverty disability investments disabled persons prices public welfare social welfare homelessness welfare disability insurance mortgage people with disabilities housing affordability homeless british columbia territories public sphere provinces and territories of canada homeless people affordable housing in canada income maintenance programs the homeless omelessness
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