cover image: Aboriginal sexual violence action plan



Aboriginal sexual violence action plan

13 Jan 2012

Assumptions ‣ Sexual violence is rooted in ‣ Many of the Aboriginal men the legacy of residential who are perpetrators of schools, colonization and ‣ Sexual violence is rampant sexual violence have also systemic discrimination that and pervasive in Aboriginal been victims of childhood resulted in the loss of communities. [...] SHERRY LEWIS 2 Aboriginal “immediate response” Sexual Violence approach to addressing the Action Plan pervasiveness of sexual violence in Summary Aboriginal communities, the concurrent issues In the Strategic Framework to that contribute to End Violence Against sexual violence Aboriginal Women, violence is violence. [...] Yet, we need to and the intense turn our attention to the silence that specifics of sexual violence at permeates all this time because it is a form aspects of sexual of violence that is rampant in violence in Aboriginal communities. [...] The will consider every member of emotional and spiritual Action plan is an integrated the community that is aspects of the healing component of the Strategic affected: starting with the continuum that includes men, Framework to End Violence victim, then the abuser; the women and Two-spirited Against Aboriginal Women families of both and the peoples at all stages of life in (Strategic Framework) i [...] The Summit recommendations, the consultation, and lastly, the Catalyst Research and Communications report on the Consultation on Sexual Violence and Aboriginal Community.
health gender government education politics crime women violence discrimination culture law rape sex sex crimes victim trafficking strategies community indians, north american child sexual abuse abuse foster care victims crime, law and justice assault violent first nations gang native women indian women sexual assault epidemiology of domestic violence sexual offenses
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