cover image: Accommodation in the 21st century



Accommodation in the 21st century

12 Mar 2012

"Canada's recent ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRDP) reflects a new and conscious commitment by all levels of government to take proactive measures to eliminate disadvantage and achieve full inclusion for persons with disabilities. We believe that the Convention and the Supreme Court of Canada's decisions in Meiorin and Grismer offer different articulations of the same big idea -- that accommodation, properly understood, mandates genuine inclusiveness. Our question in this paper is: is the jurisprudence of tribunals and courts helping us to fulfill that promise?"
health human rights government education politics discrimination copyright disability employers employment equal opportunity law people with disabilities society charter court canadian charter of rights and freedoms fundamental rights burden of proof (law) grievance (labour) grievance anti-discrimination international human rights stereotypes statutory interpretation charter analysis
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