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Discussion paper 2 : Discussion paper two

2 Feb 2012

In the 2008 Poverty Reduction Strategy, the Ontario government committed to reviewing social assistance, Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), with a focus on removing barriers and increasing opportunities for people to work. It subsequently appointed the Social Assistance Review Advisory Council (SARAC) to provide advice on a proposed scope for the review. Our task is to carry out a comprehensive review and provide specific recommendations for improving the social assistance system. The government has also asked us to provide advice on how an Ontario housing benefit aligns with social assistance reform. This paper advances the dialogue with Ontarians that we began in our discussion paper "Issues and Ideas" in June 2011, and continued over the summer and fall through community visits and other opportunities to engage with people and organizations with diverse perspectives on social assistance.
health education politics school social security case management labour market accessibility copyright consumer price index diet disability employers employment housing subsidies incentives labour public welfare unemployment child protection people with disabilities poor community affordable housing earned income tax credit job employee first nations case management (us health system) wage and benefit rrsps income maintenance programs assured income for the severely handicapped housing benefit
9781443588775 9781443588782
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