cover image: Making green energy happen



Making green energy happen

29 Sep 2009

The success of this new reality, agriculture and natural resources providing the food and energy to power the economy, depends on those entrepreneurs and communities who seek partnerships and who are willing to share information and big ideas. [...] We will require vision and strong leadership to Make Green Energy Happen! We extend our thanks to our sponsors: Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Ontario Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, the Ontario Centres of Excellence, the AgEnergy Co-operative, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, [...] We are particularly indebted to our Steering Committee members for their commitment of time and expertise in the choice of issues to be addressed, selection of panelists and participants, and the editing of the workshop report. [...] The Minister underlined the importance of the proceedings to her ministry and government, as they investigate how advantage can be gained in Ontario and Canada relevant to the use of forest resources for bioenergy. [...] The Netherlands include the entire energy system, identifying the best then committed to procure 20% of the nation’s inputs, like biomass, sun and wind, developing renewable energy supply from the greenhouse sector’s conversion technologies and facilities, and improving cogeneration capacity, which links carbon neutral and expanding the distribution systems to deliver green economic activity to pe
renewable energy alternative energy sustainable energy canada energy policy nuclear power renewable energy sources green energy green technology ontario energy development energy economics world energy resources and consumption peak oil clean energy industries
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