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Positive prevention : Prévention positive : un document de travail pour l'élaboration d'un cadre pancanadien

15 Nov 2010

Nonetheless, it is hoped that through this paper communities will be better able to begin to develop initiatives that encompass the tenants of positive prevention as set out by the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society which aim to: • promote the recognition that people living with HIV/AIDS are part of the solution to the impacts of the disease and should be included in prevention efforts; • [...] This principle acknowledges the central role of people living with HIV in the areas of prevention, education, care and support by calling on positive people to take on a greater role in the design and implementation of national and international policies and programs. [...] Self-esteem and self-efficacy; laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex, race and sexual orientation, equitable health care and resources for diagnosis and treatment and the social determinants of health all affect and contribute to the vulnerabilities related to STI and HIV transmission. [...] The criminalization of HIV transmission is also a matter of concern in light of the need and trend to increase access to testing and to knowledge of status in order to achieve universal access to HIV 15. [...] Positive prevention as a multifaceted campaign that incorporates the psychosocial health of the individual as well as the public health need to stem the spread of HIV should strive to be inclusive of the diverse populations of people living with HIV/AIDS.
health human rights education public health empowerment discrimination acquired immunodeficiency syndrome sida aids (disease) hiv infections hiv/aids aids confidentiality medicine sex epidemic disease hiv behavior prevention communicable disease population health community further education society health treatment virus disease diagnosis of hiv/aids hiv-positive persons infections à vih hiv prevention infection à vih syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise séropositifs
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