cover image: Security sector reform (SSR) and the domestic-international security nexus



Security sector reform (SSR) and the domestic-international security nexus

18 May 2011

It is a product of the growing famous and controversial remark — intended to justify awareness in the international community, since the end Germany’s military engagement in Afghanistan — that of the Cold War, of the intrinsic link between security “Germany’s security is also being defended at the Hindu and development, and the realization that sustainable Kush.” Struck was certainly not the first [...] Preventing the export of transnational criminal networks By contributing to the stabilization of troubled states from fragile states is, for instance, more dependent on and regions, SSR can help to prevent, mitigate or, in the the quality of the local police and judiciary as well as worst case, merely contain such instability, preventing the international mentors and advisers sent to train and it [...] Whether the US Department of and dirty” SSR that emphasizes “hard” security Homeland Security, the UK Home Office or the Canadian issues of counterterrorism, counternarcotics and Department of Public Safety, major Western domestic counterinsurgency, with little consideration of either security departments and ministries lack the mandate the fundamental good governance principles of the and resourc [...] Given the complexity of the problem of such a lucrative and complex transnational threat as and the scale of the profits to be had, vigorous military drugs, SSR cannot be expected to eliminate the threat enforcement efforts in Mexico are more likely to prompt in the foreseeable future, and an emphasis on military more sophisticated and elusive forms of drug trafficking capacity within SSR can prod [...] Peacekeeping The donor country has taken part in a -France’s leadership in the Democtratic Republic peacekeeping mission and remains involved in of the Congo (UN Organization Misson in the the country following the cessation of hostilities.
human rights unodc european union government politics governance corruption prison crime albania violence canada terrorism computer security counter-terrorism drug trafficking international relations law law enforcement national security human trafficking security sector coca fragile states society al-qaeda canadian security intelligence service cigi failed state security, international counternarcotics merida initiative


Sedra, Mark

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