cover image: Urban Aboriginal peoples study : Étude sur les Autochtones vivant en milieu urbain : état principal



Urban Aboriginal peoples study : Étude sur les Autochtones vivant en milieu urbain : état principal

7 Dec 2010

Founded in 2006, the Institute has already conducted a number of ground- breaking studies, including a survey of Canadian Muslims, a survey of the people of Afghanistan, and a study (undertaken in partnership with Canada’s World) of Canadians’ personal engagement with people and issues around the world. [...] Different city histories, the size of local Aboriginal populations, and the nature and location of urban Aboriginal organizations all shape NA urban Canadians’ awareness of Aboriginal communities in their cities. [...] Trudy Sable and Tungasuvvingat Inuit (Martin Lougheed and Barbara Sevigny), and all of the interviewers in each of the 11 participating cities, ensured that the research was conducted in a comprehensive and sensitive way, with meaningful Aboriginal involvement. [...] The original inspiration for the UAPS stemmed from observations heard repeatedly from Aboriginal persons and organizations about the need for research that aims to understand the experiences, identities, values and aspirations of urban Aboriginal peoples across Canada, and how valuable they felt it could be in revealing and document- ing what is happening in Aboriginal communities in ways that cou [...] INTRODUCTION 15 Organization of this report The Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study: Main Report is organized into 12 chapters: Chapter 1, The Research – A Tale of Eleven Cities, describes the UAPS research process, including the design, implementation and interpretation of the Main survey with First Nations peoples, Métis and Inuit living in Canadian cities, along with descriptions of the non-Aborigin
higher education education politics school canada indians of north america culture ethics aboriginal populations inuit social sciences students ethnic group census survey college further education society native peoples first nations indigenous peoples in canada aboriginal people in canada inuk first nations peoples identity (social science) aboriginal persons
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