cover image: Bringing gender and diversity analysis to our work : Aide-mémoire pour l'intégration d'une analyse sur le genre et la diversité à notre travail



Bringing gender and diversity analysis to our work : Aide-mémoire pour l'intégration d'une analyse sur le genre et la diversité à notre travail

4 Jun 2010

IntroductIon to Sex, Gender and The purpose of this tool is both to encourage and provide dIverSIty-baSed analySIS guidance for taking the initial steps towards applying SGDBA Using SGDBA can help achieve a comprehensive to activities undertaken by the substance abuse workforce. [...] Bringing gender and diversity analysis to our Work : a Checklist SGDBA: •. examines the differences in the lives of diverse populations, particularly those that lead to inequality; •. recognizes that not all boys, girls, men and women are the same by examining the varying perspectives of Aboriginal, Inuit and Métis people, as well as individuals of differing age, sexual orientation, colour, race, [...] For example, one of the National Treatment Strategy’s cultural relations, vigilance toward the dynamics that result component and guiding principles is that “services and from cultural differences, expansion of cultural knowledge, supports must be informed by gender- and diversity- and adaptation of services to meet culturally unique based analysis” (National Treatment Strategy Working needs” (Bet [...] A culturally safe and competent This tool was developed by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, in collaboration with Nancy Poole, Colleen Dell,and the National Advisory Group on Youth Substance Abuse Prevention, to ensure that the needs and realities of boys and girls, women and men, and diverse populations are considered within A Drug Prevention Strategy for Canada’s Youth—a national preventi [...] Is Sex, Gender and Diversity-based Analysis included in the terms of reference of the evaluation team?
health human rights gender education politics inequality evaluation discrimination culture ethics ethnic groups minorities philosophy women's health equal treatment best practice substance-related disorders evidence-based practice harm reduction substance abuse evidence-based further education teaching and learning competence (human resources) groupes ethniques indigenous peoples in canada wellness competency preventive healthcare troubles liés à une substance gender-based analysis réduction des méfaits cultural policies polytoxicomanie institutional discrimination réduction des dangers minorités analyse différenciée selon les sexes santé des femmes
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