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What kind of tests are required for immigrants to get hired?

11 Mar 2011

The datasets used by the project include a range of large-scale surveys such as the Census, the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada, the Ethnic Diversity Survey, the Workplace and Employee Survey, the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, the Labour Force Survey and the Permanent Residents Data System. [...] Personal interviews are the most common of all of these testing methods, and addressing discriminatory practices in the interview process has become important to human resources personnel (Ruhnow, 1992) Using the Workplace and Employee survey, Akyeampong (2006) explored the prevalence of the use of security checks, medical examinations, and drug tests in hiring processes. [...] The outcomes of the respondents presented in this report using WES data may not therefore be comparable to the experiences of all employed immigrants presented using other data sets such as the Census. [...] A second concern with the use of a fixed panel design is the deterioration in the efficiency of the stratification over time as the business universe changes – surveyed workplaces may become less representative of the overall business environment. [...] Of the Canadian-born population, roughly one quarter are in the sales and service field (25.5%), and one fifth are in the business, finance and administrative field (21.7%).
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