cover image: Contribution of behavioural economics to regulatory and policy impact analysis : Contribution de l'économie comportementale à l'étude d'impact de la réglementation et des politiques



Contribution of behavioural economics to regulatory and policy impact analysis : Contribution de l'économie comportementale à l'étude d'impact de la réglementation et des politiques

7 Feb 2011

Conventional regulatory approaches, which are based on traditional economic theory, might lead departments and agencies to expect certain outcomes. However, the result may not met the expectations. Why does this happen? One possibility is that the assumptions identified did not take into account how individuals would actually respond. Instead, they were based on more traditional or theoretical perspectives. The initiative may have proven more successful, yielded better results, or used fewer resources had it been created using an approach that considers these behavioural responses.
education economics economy school science and technology psychology research decision-making economic theory epistemology philosophy policy sciences risk social sciences cognition behavior behavioural economics rationality values society loss aversion emergence experimental experiment cognitive science behavioral economics neuroeconomics


De Civita, Paul

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