cover image: University faculty engagement in teaching development activities : Participation du corps professoral aux activités de perfectionnement de l'enseignement : étape II



University faculty engagement in teaching development activities : Participation du corps professoral aux activités de perfectionnement de l'enseignement : étape II

13 Oct 2010

When asked how often they engaged in SoTL – including reading about teaching generally and reading about teaching in their discipline – faculty tended to respond that they engaged in these activities “rarely” or “sometimes.” At the same time, they were able to 3 – University Faculty Engagement in Teaching Development Activities Phase II assess their own teaching on the basis of a variety of models [...] Most reassuringly to the researchers, faculty who responded to the survey at the six participating universities overwhelmingly believe teaching to be important or very important to their professional practice, and most faculty emphasized the need to continue to support the development of teaching. [...] The focus group reports for each university are provided in Appendix B. The survey was composed of questions based on the results of the focus groups and theories related to faculty development, as well as other questions of interest to the research team. [...] The results of the online survey are presented in aggregate format within the body of this report, with complete tables included in Appendix C. Teaching and Learning Centre Descriptions Of the six universities involved in this project, five have established teaching and learning centres. [...] However, the researchers decided to include all responses to the survey in the analysis, to maximize the number of cases and to include representation from the small universities.
higher education education school educational technology curriculum science and technology communication teachers universities and colleges university assessment cognition clinical trial college mentoring further education focus group teaching and learning taught educational assessment cognitive science college teaching learning styles mentor college teachers active learning course evaluation student-centred peer feedback


Britnell, Judy

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