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ABS policies in Canada : Access and benefit sharing policies in Canada

14 Nov 2005

These guidelines aim to ensure the environmental integrity of printing processes through reductions in toxic emissions to the environment, reductions in loading of wastewater, reductions in the quantity of materials sent to landfills, and the implementation of resource conservation procedures. [...] One of the most promising benefits of ABS is the potential generation and sharing of taxonomic information about the biodiversity in areas (or __________________ 3 “biodiscovery” means the collection of biological specimens for further analysis in the laboratory. [...] This concept, proposed by developing countries and supported by some developed countries, would use the patent system to track the origin of a genetic resource used in a patented innovation so that benefits arising out of the commercialization of the invention would flow back to the III countries from where the resources have originated. [...] III What is clear in this situation is that for developers, there is a problem of access to genetic resource, and for providers, there is a problem of the fair sharing of the benefits derived from the use of genetic resource. [...] The adoption of a regional ABS approach can contribute to the capacity of the North to become an economic and scientific player while ensuring the protection of resources and social values.
sustainable development agriculture environment economics conservation biodiversity conservation biodiversity natural capital science and technology research natural resources canada biology biotechnology chemicals genetics intellectual property law ownership patent resource convention on biological diversity conservation biology biodiversité regulatory compliance germplasm resources bioprospectors développement durable local knowledge ressources génétiques sustainably use
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