cover image: Report on the use of assistive voting device for persons with disabilities : Rapport sur l'utilisation d'un dispositif d'assistance électronique au vote conçu pour aider les électeurs ayant une déficience : rapport final



Report on the use of assistive voting device for persons with disabilities : Rapport sur l'utilisation d'un dispositif d'assistance électronique au vote conçu pour aider les électeurs ayant une déficience : rapport final

20 Oct 2010

On 28 September 2010, the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs received an Order of Reference from the Senate that "the Committee be authorized to examine and report on the use of electronic assistive voting devices for persons with disabilities" in accordance with section 18.1 of the Canada Elections Act (Act) and that the committee report to the Senate no later than 28 October 2010.
accountability government politics elections democracy evaluation disability voting political system election electoral system parliament electronic voting polling station people with disabilities political process voters ballot constitution (law) polling stations electoral college (united states) votes by-election voting-machines
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