cover image: Medical liability practices in Canada : Responsabilité médicale au Canada : vers un juste équilibre des pratiques



Medical liability practices in Canada : Responsabilité médicale au Canada : vers un juste équilibre des pratiques

7 Sep 2005

PATIENT COMPENSATION: This response seeks to compensate the injured patient in a manner that is appropriate and equitable, given both the extent of the injuries and the circumstances involved. [...] Affordability Even with the application of conservative estimates of compensation levels and the imposition of limitations to only avoidable injuries, the costs associated with the no fault, hybrid no fault/fault and litigation authority models represent a multiple-fold increase over those of the current system8. [...] In the New Zealand experience, this appears to have led to the imposition of filters or stringent criteria to manage the number of compensation cases and the resulting associated costs. [...] Unlike the other systems noted in this appendix, the French example puts the emphasis, from the outset, on the avoidance of accountability. [...] The medical misadventure component of the ACC, which deals with the indemnification of victims of medical treatment injuries, represents approximately 2% of the ACC's claim amounts.
health accountability education politics risk management civil law health insurance medical personnel law medical care medicine health care indemnification patient safety health system liability, legal malpractice hospital society nhs health care delivery health treatment government health care adverse events adverse effect médecine accident compensation corporation acc hôpitaux tort personnel médical insurers american medical association compensation (law) canadian medical protective association indemnities tort liability of hospitals faute professionnelle indemnisation responsabilité légale
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