cover image: Toward patient-centred care : Vers des soins axés sur les patients : informatiser la prestation des soins du santé : la stratégie de cinq ans proposée par l'AMC pour investir dans les TIS au Canada



Toward patient-centred care : Vers des soins axés sur les patients : informatiser la prestation des soins du santé : la stratégie de cinq ans proposée par l'AMC pour investir dans les TIS au Canada

19 Aug 2010

Founded in 1867, CMA’s mission is to serve and unite the physicians of Canada and be the national advocate, in partnership with the people of Canada, for the highest standards of health and health care. [...] In recent reports, seven provincial Auditors General1–8 More than 85% of care is provided at the community level by and the Auditor General of Canada9,10 all comment on the general practitioners and primary care teams, in long-term large HIT expenditures to date and the difficulty of measur- and home care facilities, and in local hospitals.12,13 Almost all ing the benefits of these investments. [...] Canada ranks in the lower to be accelerated — but in a way that focuses on patients and half on every measure on the survey, and is most often near where they interact with the health care delivery system, and the bottom: electronic ordering of lab tests, 18%; electronic that is driven by the desire to improve quality of care and drug alerts, 20%; electronic prescribing, 27%; electronic entry pati [...] The short-, medium- and long-term benefits of HIT — Auditor General of British Columbia, 2010 report3 investment to Canadians include better care, better service, greater involvement of patients in their own care, improved The use of electronic medical records (EMRs) instead of safety, and a health care system that is more patient-centred paper charts promises to transform the delivery of health c [...] To evaluate whether frontline IT investments designed to The Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) a ccelerate physician use of EMRs/HIT have been successful has developed a set of primary health care indicators that are and are leading to improved outcomes and health benefits, used to compare and measure primary health care at multi- there is a need to establish EMR performance measures
health electronic health record science and technology research obesity medical economics health economics health information medicine interoperability health care medical specialisation disease medical informatics chronic disease medical records prescriptions electronic health records primary care health information technology preventative medicine chronic condition healthcare policy health care delivery health treatment health sciences government health care health informatics emrs healthcare management emr points of care
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