cover image: Food for thought : Pour alimenter la réflexion: vers une stratégie pancanadienne en matière d'alimentation



Food for thought : Pour alimenter la réflexion: vers une stratégie pancanadienne en matière d'alimentation

22 Jun 2010

Across the country there is already a wealth of organizations and communities that have or are in the process of developing action plans to deal with various aspects of food security that the federal government should do everything possible to support. [...] For instance, part of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture statement on Food Sovereignty and Security declares that: “. recognizing that every country has the right to determine and define its own agricultural and food policy within the parameters of binding agreements it has chosen to enter into, and that the policy must be designed to fit the particular realities of the country, Canada, as a s [...] The IMF and the World Bank lend money to underdeveloped countries on the condition that they open up their domestic markets to imported food, including heavily subsidized food from the European Union, Canada, the US and Australia. [...] The forum was told that peak oil is where the demand for oil exceeds the supply; that demand will continue to increase past the ability of the world to supply that oil in an easily accessible cheap form. [...] Speaking from a long background as researcher for the National Farmers Union, he concludes that the combined issues of food production, distribution systems and energy production are central to determining the conditions of our survival both for the human population and for the natural ecosystems of the planet.
food security health agriculture environment government education politics food economy school biodiversity food systems food safety food supply canada agricultural policy diet government policy economic sector nafta food sovereignty supply management food insecurity food and drink local food canadian wheat board healthy food agriculture sector


Atamanenko, Alex

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