cover image: Language instruction for newcomers to Canada : Cours le langue pour les immigrants au Canada : profil des clients et des indicateurs de performance



Language instruction for newcomers to Canada : Cours le langue pour les immigrants au Canada : profil des clients et des indicateurs de performance

12 Mar 2010

The demographic characteristics outlined below are specific to LINC clients who have completed LINC courses and the descriptions and trends detailed below are largely in line with those of the populations of assessed clients and clients in training. [...] However, the share in Ontario has declined by 6 percent since 2003 as a result of both a decrease in the number of Ontario clients and an increase in the number of clients in Alberta and Nova Scotia. [...] For Saskatchewan, the share of refugees is higher still averaging almost 50 percent per year over the six year period and making it the largest category of LINC clients in the province in each year. [...] In the rest of Canada, the breakdown by country of birth of LINC clients is a bit different. [...] It should be noted, again, that the number of observations in the performance indicator analysis is greater than what is observed in demographic section 1 which describes the demographics of the LINC population (number of clients who have completed a LINC course).
education politics canada culture immigrants immigration language literacy human activities educational attainment further education language and languages new brunswick outliers provinces and territories of canada ontario university degree permanent residency in canada province or territory canadian language benchmarks canadian language benchmark prince edward island master’s


Dempsey, Colleen

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