cover image: Interventions for the prevention of the sexual transmission of HIV among sex workers and their non-paying partners in Canada : Interventions qui visent la prévention de la transmission par voie sexuelle du VIH chez les travailleuses du sexe et chez leurs payants et leurs partenaires non payants au Canada



Interventions for the prevention of the sexual transmission of HIV among sex workers and their non-paying partners in Canada : Interventions qui visent la prévention de la transmission par voie sexuelle du VIH chez les travailleuses du sexe et chez leurs payants et leurs partenaires non payants au Canada

25 May 2010

It is intended to Prevention of the Sexual inform public health practitioners and Transmission of HIV among community-based workers and guide Female Sex Workers and their practice. [...] In the middle respective HIV prevalence of 3.3% and 3.4% among men and of the scale is the Netherlands with an HIV prevalence of 7% women in the general population of Cotonou, Benin. [...] The social determinants of health are the social, economic, and It is difficult to obtain representative samples of FSW for structural conditions that influence the health of individuals the purpose of estimating the prevalence of HIV (10, 11). [...] The continuing police harassment of sex workers following the demolition decreased the agency and empowerment of FSW and compounded their FSW cannot rely on the police to protect them from violence marginalization and exclusion. [...] Only 3%–9% of FSW used the female the illegal street-based environment (where women experience condom consistently with clients; unfamiliarity and distrust of constant violence and have high rates of illicit drug use and the prevention method were reported as the primary reasons health problems) is highlighted in this report.
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