cover image: Pan-Canadian cancer research strategy : Stratégie pancanadienne de recherche sur le cancer : un plan de collaboration entre les bailleurs de fonds de la recherche sur le cancer au Canada



Pan-Canadian cancer research strategy : Stratégie pancanadienne de recherche sur le cancer : un plan de collaboration entre les bailleurs de fonds de la recherche sur le cancer au Canada

10 May 2010

The first of its kind for Canada, the pan-Canadian research strategy brings together the research community to strengthen and coordinate research efforts across the country. [...] Shortly thereafter, CCRA assumed the role of the Research Action Group of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control and subsequently of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC). [...] The Pan-Canadian Cancer Research Strategy is a framework grounded in the strengths of the Canadian cancer research community and is highly connected to emerging priorities in the international research landscape which will guide cancer research investment in Canada. [...] At the outset the subcommittee developed a number of objectives to inform and guide the development process including: • Assessing the emerging strategic priorities of CCRA member agencies • Gaining knowledge from national cancer research frameworks developed in other jurisdictions • Bringing stakeholders together for a national discussion of critical issues in cancer research • Capturing the uniq [...] Many of the initiatives that make up the core of the strategy are in response to findings in the stakeholder consultations and are informed by the insights and experiences of global leaders in cancer research.
health education governance science and technology canada biology cancer genetics medicine neoplasms tumeurs therapeutics research support as topic clinical trial drug discovery further education natural science clinical trials cohort study biobanking biobank biobanks cancer survivor biomarker knowledge translation cirm california institute for regenerative medicine cancer research subvention de recherche comme sujet
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