cover image: What a difference a year can make



What a difference a year can make

13 Mar 2010

Thirty percent of students who first used marijuana at the age of 12 or younger smoked Thirty-nine percent of students (47% of five or more joints last Saturday, compared to males and 27% of females) who first used 2% of students who waited until they were marijuana at 12 years old or younger also at least 15 years old to use marijuana. [...] Six percent of students who were sexually experienced and first drank at 12 or younger Among students who had had sexual inter- reported that they had been told by a doctor course, almost half of students (49%) who or nurse that they had a sexually transmit- first used marijuana at 12 or younger had ted infection, compared to 2% of students used drugs or alcohol before the last time who waited unt [...] For example, while 8% of youth earlier students started to use alcohol or who had tried alcohol at age 12 or younger marijuana, the more likely they were to have reported being not at all satisfied with their driven a car or other vehicle while under the body, the rate was 3% for youth who had influence of these substances. [...] Sixteen percent of students who 43% of male and female youth who first first drank at the age of 12 or younger drove drank at an earlier age had taken this risk, after drinking in the past month, compared compared to 18% of students who waited to 4% of students who waited until they until they were at least 15 years old. [...] For example, youth who likely as those who started at 8 or younger to first used marijuana at 9 or 10 or at 11 or 12 have skipped 11 or more days of school in the were less likely than those who first tried it past month (6% vs.
health education school psychology mental health violence adolescence teenagers ethics social problem beverage adolescent alcohol drinking behavior alcohol use marijuana abuse marijuana smoking further education society addiction cannabis (drug) self-esteem alcoholic drink drinkers binge binge drinking drug use distilled beverage liquor binge drank self esteem
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