cover image: Adult learning and meaning-making in community-based guided autobiography workshops



Adult learning and meaning-making in community-based guided autobiography workshops

17 Feb 2010

Learning characterizes older adulthood as much as it defines the childhood years, but receives far less attention and systematic investigation. In this article, we review literature on learning among middle-aged and older adults. Secondly, we summarize initial findings from our exploratory study investigating learning reports from six guided autobiography workshop groups comprising older adults, mostly in their 60s and 70s when queried: "What am I learning in this guided autobiography workshop?" Guided autobiography workshops (Birren & Cochran, 2001) are designed to facilitate participants' interests of writing and telling their life stories. We analyze learning reports of participants about how and what they were learning and the major topics and themes identified in their reports.
education school science and technology psychology research adult education ageing behavioural sciences lifelong education educational psychology epistemology philosophy social sciences teachers university cognition further education adult students memory teaching and learning emergence attention cognitive science grounded theory learn learner transformative learning intellectual development writers' workshops autobiography


Thornton, James E

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