cover image: The state of Aboriginal learning in Canada : État de l'apprentissage chez les Autochtones au Canada: une approche holistique de l'évaluation de la réussite



The state of Aboriginal learning in Canada : État de l'apprentissage chez les Autochtones au Canada: une approche holistique de l'évaluation de la réussite

17 Dec 2009

The Holistic Lifelong Learning Models also depict the central The key findings of the 2009 report are presented below role that Elders play in the promotion of lifelong learning and are organized by the underlying components of the for Aboriginal people. [...] Canadian Council on Learning 17 Chapter 2: Sources and Domains of Knowledge Lifelong learning for Aboriginal people is rooted in relationships The Sources and Domains of Knowledge also depict the with the natural world and the world of people (i.e., the self, co-existence of Western and Indigenous knowledge and the family, ancestors, clan, community, nation and other approaches to learning. [...] In these situations the adults of the household are considered responsible for the care of the child, though the child is not viewed as being adopted.35 Canadian Council on Learning 19 Chapter 2: Sources and Domains of Knowledge Unfortunately Canadian-wide data on the involvement of Elders Aboriginal parents and families in the school system are limited. [...] As Aboriginal languages encode unique ways Figure 2.8 shows the distribution and form of home and of interpreting the world, they are considered inseparable community supports for Aboriginal children and youth to from issues of Aboriginal identity and the maintenance of learn their ancestral language in 2006. [...] Parents, emerges from each learning journey with a deeper awareness family, Elders and the community play a critical role in of the Sources and Domains of Knowledge and with the skills ensuring that children develop to their full potential and and information he or she needs to contribute more fully to become a contributing member of the community.
health education school psychology canada adult education indians of north america culture distance education indigenous peoples language medicine philosophy social sciences census community adult learning informal learning further education native peoples canadian indian residential school system assembly of first nations first nations nunavut first nations people aboriginal people canadian council on learning
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