cover image: Critical characteristics of supported housing



Critical characteristics of supported housing

8 Oct 2009

The purpose of this research was twofold: 1) to synthesize findings in the literature regarding essential components of SH and 2) to develop an understanding of important characteristics of SH for persons with SMI based on perspectives of residents and service providers. [...] It also provides a set of key characteristics critical to supported housing that can be used by supported housing programs to modify and evaluate their current programs and in the development of new housing programs. [...] The key characteristics highlighted in this study can be used to review and assess the quality of current programs, and as guidelines in the development of new supported housing programs. [...] However, no differences in quality of life were found between the two supported housing settings, suggesting that a closer and deeper examination of the characteristics of supported housing and the impact of these characteristics on outcomes such as quality of life is needed. [...] Although single-site housing may provide staff with more frequent access to tenants and more opportunities to build a community of support, scattered- site housing makes use of the housing already available in the community and provides more autonomy and anonymity to tenants.
health education politics recovery school housing curriculum psychology social support research drugs homeless persons medicine mentally ill persons quality of life qualitative research best practice motivation community mental health services substance abuse data further education supportive housing mental disorder substance use teaching and learning health treatment housing first self-care mentally ill recovery approach mentally ill homeless persons
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