cover image: Horaires de travail flexibles et de substitution : Flexible and alternative scheduling : the Alberta example



Horaires de travail flexibles et de substitution : Flexible and alternative scheduling : the Alberta example

28 May 2009

Le fait de doter les conventions collectives de mécanismes qui permettent aux employeurs et aux employées de faire face aux problèmes de dotation très spécifique aux unités et de contribuer à améliorer l’opinion que les infirmières ont de leur milieu de travail représente un soutien aux efforts de maintien en poste et de recrutement et, plus important que tout, à l'obtention de résultats pour les [...] TIMELY EXPANSION OF SERVICE CAPACITY Where the Employer is expanding Service capacity which will require additional staff over and above the current staffing complement, and where the application of the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement may delay the planned expansion, the parties shall meet prior to the planned expansion to discuss how the recruitment process will take place, revie [...] The Joint Committee, in collaboration with the Employer and the Union, will document the terms and conditions of the Pilot Project(s), including the agreed upon start date, length of the Pilot Project(s), additional details of the project(s), timeframes for evaluation, and data to be used in the evaluation. [...] If the Employer does not make Shifts available to the Employee to achieve the specified FTE, the Employee shall be paid for the specified FTE. [...] Where such a request is granted, such Employee’s existing FTE shall become the scheduled portion of the FPP, and the incremental increase in the Employee’s FTE shall become the flexible portion of the FPP.
health politics economy business employment labour nurses nursing recruitment retirement sick leave employer pension labor personnel staffing and scheduling nursing services job employee employee benefits retention wage and benefit employee retention employee relations accrual infirmières et infirmiers nursing shortage service soins infirmiers services infirmiers weekends affectation personnel et organisation temps travail emploi du temps scheduling


Olmsted, Tony

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