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Social cohesion through market democratization

3 Jan 2008

Extending this analysis, it is argued that co-operatives can contribute to the notion of a healthy public sphere and alleviate the “legitimation deficits.” The concept of legitimation crisis is used to analyse social cohesion from a systems-theory perspective and explain the decline of social cohesion as a result of the “colonization of the lifeworld,” or the dominance of instrumentalism over mode [...] On the other hand, the growing market-oriented structure of the economy, the feeling that national governments were powerless in the face of market forces, the emphasis on freer trade as a necessity to pre- vent financial calamity, and the mantras of competitiveness and efficiency have left popula- tions feeling increasingly disempowered. [...] The state has always acted as a bulwark against the forces that threaten society — it’s been the de- fender of the social fabric, the embodiment of the body politic — since the nation-state took form in the seventeenth century. [...] Simultaneously, however, the more homogenized the world becomes, the greater the demand placed on the state to become the defender of the national or regional culture. [...] The emergence of the public sphere in the eighteenth century provided the neces- sary condition for the legitimation of state and action in society.
education politics economics democracy psychology cooperation capitalism culture ethics globalization mondialisation philosophy social capital social policy politique sociale social sciences sociology cooperative crisis values society consumerism economic inequality public sphere brand cooperative societies communicative action public discourse coopératives capitalist societies legitimation crises coopération habermasian marxist crisis theory discourse ethics


Dobrohoczki, Robert

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