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Canada's secret province : Province secrète du Canada : les 2,8 millions de Canadiens vivant à l'étranger

28 Oct 2009

Thus, APF, under the aegis of the Canadians Abroad Project, commissioned a series of studies using primarily Canadian sources to estimate the size and composition of Canada’s overseas population. [...] This precision in terms of status (Canadian citizen) and length of stay abroad (one year or more) is a byproduct of the goal of the Canadians Abroad Project which attempts to assess the social and economic implications derived from its overseas Diaspora. [...] For example, an analysis of the longitudinal IMDB allows a count of a portion of the Canadian immigrant base after 1981.7 Other data sets allow an even more limited insight into the composition of Canada’s Diaspora populations.8 Finally, administrative and census records exist in the destination countries housing Canada’s Diaspora. [...] Again, these destination country records are more or less inclusive of the true number of Canadian citizens resident in the reporting countries.9 Thus, I conclude at this point that no one ideal data set exists to estimate the size of the Canadian population abroad. [...] The underlying methodology can be stated as follows: Over any five-year interval, the actual calculation of the change (dNl,m) in the weighted count of (lth) population appears in Equation 1 while the percentage change (Zl,m) of the weighted count of (lth) population group appears in Equation 2. 11 nl ,m n ( l ,m+5.
government politics taxation canada asia canadians culture government policy immigration citizenship census demographics data emigrants canadian citizen chinese-canadian canadian nationality law cultural globalization canadian diaspora


DeVoretz, D

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