cover image: Homelessness, diverse experiences, common issues, shared solutions



Homelessness, diverse experiences, common issues, shared solutions

24 Sep 2008

In recognition of this, this report uses the phrases “diverse people Coming Together: with the support of other transwomen, transwomen smash experiencing homelessness” and “diverse homeless people”2 the masks that they put on for survival and protection interchangeably to refer to people who are homeless and who identify with diverse experiences and identities that often overlap with one another. [...] However, throughout this document, we also try to describe the experiences of diverse people, and for lack of a more appropriate and concise phrase to encompass both the ideas of being “homeless” and “diverse”, we have decided to use the term “diverse homeless people” as a compromise. [...] Homelessness – Diverse Experiences, Common Issues, Shared Solutions: The Need for Inclusion and Accountability 5 Behind these facts and figures are the lived experiences of people with often unacknowledged strengths who are struggling to survive in the face of systemic exclusion and discrimination. [...] These diverse voices make our report unique, and allow us to identify solutions that are responsive Inclusion and Accountability: Diverse identities need to be to the diverse faces and realities of in the picture to address homelessness homelessness. [...] Uniquely, CBR/CBPR is an approach that strives to recognize the strengths of the community as the core of any research endeavour and promotes the equitable involvement of all partners in the research process including academic researchers, community agencies and community members.
food security health education food child care poverty psychology discrimination childcare culture disability employment ethics homeless persons medicine social assistance social sciences health care homelessness benefits harm reduction community affordable housing further education society supportive housing shelters shelter
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