cover image: The power of partnerships



The power of partnerships

5 Mar 2009

Alana Yuill, director of strategic initiatives at the International Affairs Branch of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, led the effort to organize the meeting in Vancouver and provided valuable comments on the publication. [...] Nor were the consequences of the fall of the Berlin Wall or the speed of change in Europe entirely visible in the Transatlantic Dialogue of 1990. [...] A new partnership must the motivation to initiate and main- resonate with the school’s mission, tain partnerships; the economics of and leaders must be able to persuade cooperation; conflicts inherent in stakeholders, faculty members, cooperation; the role of government; and staff that the partnership is and issues related to the special necessary and harmonious with the case of partnerships with [...] The partnership underpinning the relocation of the SCA involves SFU, a private developer, the city of Van- couver, and the government of British Columbia. [...] The variables of interest, therefore, The specifications of the partnership should be the value of the partner- are also subject to interpretation 10 The Power of ParTnershiPs: a TransaTlanTic Dialogue over time, and understanding of common interests and goals, may responsibilities can diverge when evolve into one in which accounts of the original personnel on the project each advantage are kept.
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Kinser, Kevin

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