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The Ontario transfer credit system

7 Jul 2009

Such a requirement typically In Ontario, the reasons for the peculiarities of the specifies the minimal number of courses that ought province’s postsecondary system are likewise to be taken at the host university to complete a historical. [...] Above all, the Conservative government of given program of study to ensure the program’s the day, under Premier Bill Davis, deliberately took a integrity and the quality of the education the host non-statist approach to the establishment of the university provides. [...] The partnering university will accept to bear the up-front costs of prior assessment of the college 3. PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT AND diploma program and negotiating the agreement if it RECOGNITION (PLAR) OF PROFESSIONAL can expect that the revenue generated by the DEVELOPMENT COURSES number of students that the program will draw in the future will offset the start-up costs. [...] The contact and study hours in Ontario, which has the greatest university vary greatly from course to course, and it is not easy population of all of Canada, and could be to distinguish between the time in class that is spearheaded by COU through the Ontario Council of allotted to theory and the time that is allotted to Academic Vice-Presidents (OCAV). [...] Page 6 THE ONTARIO TRANSFER CREDIT SYSTEM – A Situation Report The creation of an Ontario protocol for the The toughest choice facing Ontario universities assessment of individual college courses for appears to be making the leap from bloc transfer university credit would, however, create a problem credits for the completion of a community college of its own by potentially discarding the assessmen
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Constantineau, Philippe

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