cover image: Aboriginal Peoples survey, 2006 : Enquête auprès des peuples autochtones de 2006, expériences vécues à l'école par les enfants des Premières nations de 6 à 14 ans vivant hors réserve



Aboriginal Peoples survey, 2006 : Enquête auprès des peuples autochtones de 2006, expériences vécues à l'école par les enfants des Premières nations de 6 à 14 ans vivant hors réserve

31 Dec 2008

Therefore, findings from the Aboriginal Peoples Survey are not representative of all First Nations people living in Canada; however, they are representative of First Nations people (6 years and over) living off-reserve in the ten provinces and all First Nations people (6 years and over) in the territories. [...] According to the 2006 Census, 31% of the off-reserve First Nations population aged 25 to 64 did not have a high school diploma, compared to 15% of their counterparts in the total Canadian population. [...] In Ontario, which is the province with the largest count of off-reserve First Nations children between the ages of 6 to 14 (19,665), off-reserve First Nations children represent only 1% of the total population aged 6 to 14. [...] For example, according to the 2006 Census, higher percentages of off-reserve First Nations children aged 6 to 14 with registered Indian status had knowledge of an Aboriginal language, were living in low-income economic families, and were living in lone-parent families compared to off-reserve First Nations children without registered Indian status. [...] For the purpose of this report, the total household income of the off-reserve First Nations population aged 6 to 14 were ranked from lowest to highest and then divided into five groups of equal numbers of units, called quintiles.20 In this report, households in the lowest quintile have a total average income of $22,943 or less.
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Bougie, Evelyne

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