cover image: Persistence in post-secondary education in Canada : Persévérance dans les études postsecondaires au Canada : dernières percées



Persistence in post-secondary education in Canada : Persévérance dans les études postsecondaires au Canada : dernières percées

15 Jan 2009

Both the availability YITS and PSIS data are collected by Statistics of new data (most notably from Statistics Canada, in-depth analysis of these data in Canada) and the considerable investment in order to investigate the issue of student per- recent years in research on access and student sistence was made possible by the Millennium success by the Canada Millennium Scholarship Research Program th [...] YITS-B data examines the proportion of stu- program go As the YITS survey makes clear, many of those dents who by the time they had reached the on to enrol who discontinue their post-secondary studies age of 24 to 26 (i.e., the fourth wave of the in college, or do so only temporarily. [...] Looking at first-year transition rates, Finnie leaving in the and Qiu found that the rates of persistence, Atlantic data Finnie and Qiu are able to confirm this completion, switching and leaving in the Atlantic from PSIS were general pattern in a study of the persistence data from PSIS were very similar to those very similar to and mobility of students in Atlantic Canada obtained from YITS. [...] This through further analysis of the YITS data conclusion is consistent with those reached by conducted by Martinello, who notes that Lori McElroy in the context of her studies of “surprisingly, parents’ education and the the impact of the introduction of millennium importance of PSE to parents were unrelated bursaries in Canada in 2000 (for a summary to students’ success in their first program” o [...] Given the impor- The drop-out rate of Aboriginal post-secondary tant influence of parental education in the initial students is between 33 and 56 percent higher decision of youth to pursue a post-secondary (depending on the age of students) than the rate education, Shaienks and Gluszynski find it for non-Aboriginals.
higher education education politics school curriculum research canada students university college resilience further education dropouts postsecondary education teaching and learning education in canada education, higher high school dropouts academia psychological resilience student financial aid (united states) enseignement postsecondaire canada millennium scholarship foundation enseignement supérieur graduate students dropped out persévérance aux études étudiants diplômés


Parkin, Andrew

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