cover image: A report to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care on the review of the scope of practice for registered nurses in the extended class (nurse practitioners) : Rapport du ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée sur l'examen de la portée de l'exercice de la profession d'infirmière autorisée dans les catégories avancées (infirmières et infirmiers praticiens)



A report to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care on the review of the scope of practice for registered nurses in the extended class (nurse practitioners) : Rapport du ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée sur l'examen de la portée de l'exercice de la profession d'infirmière autorisée dans les catégories avancées (infirmières et infirmiers praticiens)

28 Mar 2008

The scope of practice statement in the Nursing Act, 1991 says: The practice of nursing is the promotion of health and the assessment of, the provision of care for and the treatment of health conditions by supportive, 4 Nurse Practitioners' Association of Ontario, Submission to HPRAC respecting the scope of practice for registered nurses in the extended class, November 2007. [...] It should describe whether the proposed change to the scope of practice provides recognition and authority for existing competencies, or seeks to expand the scope of the practice of the profession. [...] HPRAC’s Approach to Formulating Its Advice In considering how to approach the Minister’s request for advice, HPRAC examined the question carefully and noted that the Minister specifically asked HPRAC to include the CNO’s proposals in its review of the scope of practice for registered nurses in the extended class, implying that examining the CNO proposals should be one of many dimensions of the ove [...] It is within the context of the broader challenges facing the health care system that HPRAC has undertaken its response to the Minister’s request for advice regarding the scope of practice of nurses in the extended class. [...] What the College of Nurses Proposed Initially, HPRAC requested that the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) respond to a detailed questionnaire on the changes it proposed in the scope of practice for nurses in the extended class.
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